BAIF Governance
BAIF Development Research Foundation is registered under the Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950 and is also recognised as a Scientific Research Organisation.
The BAIF Governance comprises of the Board of Trustees, Board of Management and the Executive Committee (EC). BAIF Trustees are eminent Administrators, Industrialists, Scientists and Development Professionals with rich experience, who guide the organisation in fulfilling its mission, ensure its technical and financial performance and safeguard its interest and reputation. The members of the Board of Trustees also constitute members of permanent Sub-Committees / Working Committees such as the Executive Committee of BAIF Trustees (ECT), the Finance Committee and the Human Resources Committee. Some of the Trustees are also Directors on the Board of the BAIF Institute for Sustainable Livelihoods and Development (BISLD), an Associate Organisation of BAIF.
Board of Management
Regional / States / Thematic Heads
Whistle-blower Policy
Whistle-blowing is a structured process, which encourages and facilitates Personnel to report without fear, through an appropriate forum, any wrongdoing, unethical or improper practice, which may adversely impact the reputation of the Organisation.
Internal Committee
Ms. Lalita Joshi, Presiding Officer Ms. Suneeta Kuvalekar, Member Mr. Sanwarmal Chejara, Member Dr. Prasad Kulkarni, Member Ms. Ashlesha Deo, Member (BISLD State Branch Representative) Ms. Preeti Karmarkar, External Member
Central Monitoring and Vigilance Cell
Dr. Prasad Kulkarni Mr. Jay Prakash Sharma